Corn Cobs

Corn Cobs

They originate in the USA, where they are called “Corn Cob”. The
 Missouri Meerschaum Company has been manufacturing corncob
 pipes since 1869 and is the absolute global market leader in this
 segment with a production ofCorn Cob around 
5,000 pipes every day.
The corn has been bred over the decades 
specifically for the construction of pipes. 
The Missouri Meerschaum Company sows
 and harvests the corn entirely itself. The 
harvested cobs are sorted and stored for 
drying for approximately 2 years. This is 
then followed by cutting, sandblasting and grinding if necessary, as 
well as drilling.
The corn becomes really easy to smoke by sealing it with a special 
plaster compound. Finally, the handlebar and mouthpiece are 
The appearance of the plaster mass is somewhat reminiscent of
 meerschaum, which is where the name of the company comes from.
 The smoking properties are also similar to meerschaum. But more 
on that later.

In addition to the price, the corn cob pipe has many other positive
 properties. The first fillings usually taste like popcorn, but this goes
 away and the tobacco can be enjoyed with a very neutral taste. The
 tobacco can be smoked cool and easily and the corn does not 
absorb the taste of the tobacco as quickly as briar - the so-called 
cross-over. This allows different tobaccos to be smoked one after the
 other in the same pipe. In addition, the pipe does not have to rest for
 so long between fillings. Only meerschaum has similar smoking
The pipes are pleasantly light and can be easily held with your teeth.

Corn Cob

The manufacturing process is now so good
 that a corn cob pipe is extremely robust 
and durable. If handled correctly, a corn
 cob pipe will last years or even decades 
with regular use.

A Corn Cob is anything but a disposable 
pipe, but rather a practical smoking device
 for carefree tobacco enjoyment.
To feel like Popeye or Huckleberry Finn, you won't be able to avoid 
buying a corncob pipe.