Elysée Pipe Tobacco 50g

Elysée Pipe Tobacco 50g

Elysée Pipe Tobacco 50g

Price including VAT, plus shipping
1 kg = 198.00 €
Possible delivery methods: DHL Germany, DHL Payment at delivery, DHL Europe (no EU), DHL World
1 kg = 198.00 €

A silken soft blend of golden yellow Virginia and Black Cavendish with the aroma of creamy truffles and Marc de Champagne. 

contents: 50g

  • Type: Danish, aromatic
  • Aroma: Truffle, Marc de Champagne
  • Cut: Loose Cut
  • Flavouring: ●●●○○
  • Intensity: ●●○○○
  • Room note ●●○○○

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