Vauen pipe cleaner with brush 16cm. The cotton absorbs the moisture while the brushes loosen impurities at the same time.
Slender, nicely shaped Rattray's tamper with a removable pick. Ornament of a Dragon. Individual package.
Mixture of Virginia leaves, Virginia cube cuts, Black Cavendish and some Burley with the aroma of coconut, fruits and vanilla.
The necessity to brace you for wind and weather: a spring adjustable pipe lid. Round, handy and good.
The necessity to brace you for wind and weather: a clamping ring adjustable pipe lid. Round, handy and good.
Tamper, clearer and loosener and pipe stand in one - the whole thing practically as a black leather strap with our root logo
Tamper, clearer and loosener and pipe stand in one - the whole thing practically as a dark brown leather strap with our root logo
The Maximus 192 is a smooth pipe with a metal ring on the rim, in which the letters VN are embossed into.