Vauen pipe cleaner with brush 16cm. The cotton absorbs the moisture while the brushes loosen impurities at the same time.
Slender, nicely shaped Rattray's tamper with a removable pick. Ornament of a Dragon. Individual package.
Lighter fluid by Colibri to refill your pipe lighter. For all refillable lighters. Contains 90ml.
Vauen pipe cleaner with brush 16cm. The cotton absorbs the moisture while the brushes loosen impurities at the same time.
Nørding filter keystones for mild and dry smoke. For filling into the pipe bowl or filter chamber. 100g bag
Sandblasted, filigree, delicate bent pipe with a filling capacity for a 10-20 pleasurable smoke.
Electronic pipe lighter black with polished metal. Lateral flame ignition. Pipe application.