Wellauer's English Blend 50g

Wellauer's English Blend 50g

Wellauer's English Blend 50g

Price including VAT, plus shipping
1 kg = 198.00 €
Possible delivery methods: DHL Germany, DHL Payment at delivery, DHL Europe (no EU), DHL World
1 kg = 198.00 €

Wellauer's English Blend is a classic English mixture of medium intensity and a lot of Latakia. To make it well rounded, Virginia, Oriental and a little Perique were added. The cut is kind of crude and  is better for pipes with a medium to large filling capacity. 

contents: 50g

  • Type: English
  • Cut: Mixture
  • Flavouring: ○○○○○
  • Intensity: ●●●○○
  • Room note ●●●○○

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